Thanks for the Encouragement, Roy Moore
Never in thirty years, studying complicity with abuse in the faith community, have I had more encouragement and interest in my work than now. All thanks to Roy Moore and the State of Alabama. Not in my wildest imagination could I have imagined that such encouragement would come from a southern state. Of course, this encouragement isn't particularly intended by Alabamans--so many of them that I know read some of my work in 1995. That's when, published in the popular, young Baptist "tabloid," known as Baptists Today. What was published back then was both detested and devoured by the critics of the Convention's traitors, such as the rebel Jimmy Carter, who was speaking his own truth back then, too, though it would be years before he would throw in the towel on the Southern Baptist Convention. The struggling paper, published every three weeks, had an extremely courageous editor, Jack Harwell, bruised and beat up because he'd dared to speak truth already in t...