Stellar Response of Willie Geist on Morning Joe to Courageous Woman

My husband Ron, up before me on November 29, was still glued to the TV minutes after Savannah Guthrie's shocking announcement, given with amazing poise and heartfelt sorrow. The allegations of sexual misconduct against Matt Lauer, she'd received only moments before. Now, on stage for the whole world to witness her personal shock over the sudden loss of her colleague, this news she was forced to deliver rivaled the coverage of the frightening news that North Korea had successfully launched its most ominous nuclear missile yet that could easily hit the United States.

I grabbed a cup of coffee as Ron flipped over to Morning Joe in hopes of gaining further perspective. 

In less than sixty seconds, the two of us sat in awe, discussing the way Willie Geist, unknowingly, had set a new standard, unlike anything we'd ever witnessed in three decades as the two of us have studied the systemic issues of complicity with sexual violence in all its forms and in multiple institutions where powerful people are suddenly in a position of needing to respond to the "misconduct" of a another powerful colleague who has misused his position, leaving victims in his wake. 

Willie’s heart was foremost with the courageous victim who’d made the credible report, he declared. Next in line were the co-workers and friends at NBC, all in grief and shock like Willie himself. Finally, “my thoughts, of course, are with Matt,” he said, describing the renowned co-worker as a mentor, having led by example for twenty-five years.

This eloquent response, coming from a man of his stature, felt like a miraculous gift. By setting a role model for individuals of much lesser power, it brings relief to those of us who have stood in solidarity. Moments like this are so rare, they feel like miracles!  

Willie’s words brought to mind two of my favorite scriptures I’m especially fond of whenever there's a need to write about much-needed social change, particularly in the faith community: 

1.       Matthew 6:21 “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”   

2.      I Corinthians 13:11. “When I was a child……but when I became a man” is a verse that most Biblical scholars can quote by heart and one I use frequently when I expound on the topic of complicity with abuse in the faith community.  “Take courage—you’re growing up,” is a good way to paraphrase it, for anyone on a healthy journey of spiritual transformation.

Still, I wonder, with men like Geist serving as role models, is it possible that those who have defended perpetrators in the institutions for decades might suddenly wake up and reverse the order of caring that’s been the tradition with cases of harassment, abuse, and domestic violence?. Or will they continue to default reactions that keep women in their place?  Showing “mercy,” that is, by working to put even criminals back on their pedestals of power, leaving the vulnerable at risk while keeping secrets from the masses, as long as the men in power "repent.”


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