No Collusion! No Collusion! There was NO Collusion! So Says the Trump Almighty

Desperate, tongue-tied people in power end up saying the strangest things.  With the oddest gestures that speak louder than the babble.

Repeating oneself, as if to convince "the children" one is addressing. Or, to put it another way, the adults that the powerful would like to pretend are children.....this repetition can be amusing to watch for those with a sense of humor.

Having a healthy sense of humor is getting far more difficult these days, however, as reality dawns.

Looking closely, the transparency that's so readily evident and becoming clearer all the time holds exactly the same dynamics of insight into this word, collusion, which very few even understood at all twenty-five years ago.

Collusion operates freely in closed systems of "faith," that are actually systems of fear in many cases, systems filled with paranoia and narcissism that acts only out of immaturity and self-protection, when faced with the preponderance of evidence of serious sexual violations against the most vulnerable and powerless in the system. Of course, that's not the only form of evil where collusion abounds.

When positions of power are occupied by men who must be "protected" from even the reality that daily briefings require, putting the masses at risk, it takes tremendous courage to keep looking at the gestures and words of a leader who insists that "we see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil," as the Administration chooses to identify evil.

In that, I see no difference in the hypocrisy that has so often made mockery of the Truth--the spiritual truth and the scientific alike--to create its own brand of Fake News that's the total opposite of what our Twitter-in-Chief considers fake.

Mocking the song of Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men, in a season when we desperately need role models of maturity to deal with the direst of circumstances. What we need are tools for digging down and finding serenity.

Yes, Mr. Trump, you are the King of the Patriarchs, but not the ruler of the wise. You may "reign" for a season, but your friend Roy Moore has spoken clearly what he sees we need to do:  "Wait on God," he tells us.

And waiting we will.  While acting, and protesting daily. In that process, the walls of collusion, which are about far more than politics, will come tumbling down, bringing Humpty Dumpty and all the King's Men with it.  Yes, I'm confident  the Big Eggs will crack if only we stay true to the Song of Peace in the midst of the chaos, keeping an internal locus of control, along with our faith in humanity. Seeking to support those who are speaking out, affirming their Goodness, and remembering who we are ourselves. Not little children to be fooled and lulled into complacency, but adults who can ultimately overcome by standing in solidarity against violence and oppression, lifting up the fallen all the while.

This, in fact, is the over-riding message, often coming from other continents, in the amazing stories of overcoming, told amidst the struggles in Enlarging Boston's Spotlight: A Call for Courage, Integrity, and Institutional Transformation


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